Application Process

Complete and submit an online application. Only complete proposals will be considered. A PDF document must be uploaded and include each of the following:

  • Purpose and Abstract (250 words max)
    The purpose and abstract should be a brief summary of the research proposal's key points and outcomes.
  • NACA Research Agenda (250 words max) 
    This should be a statement that ties the proposed research project to the NACA Research Agenda
  • Introduction (500 words max)
    This section should include a rationale for the study, citing relevant theories and issues, as well as providing a context to current literature in higher education.
  • Methodology and Identification of Subjects (800 words max)
    This section should provide a summary of the research, including research questions, subject and sample selection identification, data collection and means, instruments and protocols, and data analysis and presentation.
  • Potential Implications and Risks (300 words max)
    This should be a brief overview of how this research could impact the profession, as well as any risks that may occur to the association or the participants. Review the NACA Research Policy.
  • Timeline (200 words max)
    Provide a detailed listing of dates and times of any activities related to the proposal, including subject contact, data collection, analysis, and publication.  Reminder:  All NACA grant-funded research must be completed within one calendar year of receipt of funds.
  • Budget
    Outline how the money awarded will be used to assist in the completion of the proposed research project. NACA may not fund to the requested level.
  • Expected Use and Distribution (200 words max)
    Provide a brief overview of the planned use of data and outcomes, as well as plans for distribution, such as presentations or publications.
  • References (as needed, no word limit)
    Fully cite all sources referenced in your proposal, using APA style (7th edition).
  • Optional Uploads
    Upload additional documents, such as IRB documents, survey instruments, or other documents that can be added with the upload tool in the application.

In addition, applicants must provide contact information of all project researchers and provide a digital signature of acceptance that acknowledges commitment to research integrity, as well as agreement to abide by non-discrimination and NACA's civility statements. Proposals will be reviewed using a scoring guide by Research & Practice Group members. The Research & Practice Group has the option to choose not to distribute all of the awards in a given year.