Affiliate Membership

Organizations or firms involved in services related to campus activities.

As an Affiliate Member, you will have the opportunity to connect with colleges and universities through our online Membership Directory or by attending any of our various events.

Non-Profit Affiliate

The NACA non-profit affiliate membership is designed for non-profit organizations whose services, products or programs are related to campus activities programming and who are not eligible for a school or associate membership. NACA membership benefits include receiving Campus Activities Programming® magazine, access to the NACA online directory, and may attend NACA® Conferences and NACA® Live as exhibitors (following all applicable associate member policies regarding the purchase of booth space and delegate fees). Non-profit affiliate members are not eligible to showcase.

Criteria for non-profit affiliate membership include:

  1. certification of the organization’s not-for-profit 501(c)(3) IRS designation as an educational organization;
  2. certification that the organization provides education, resource services and/or opportunities for professional development; and
  3. certification that the organization’s purpose is not lobbying for political issues or legislative change.
Standard Affiliate

Organizations or firms involved in services related to campus activities or interested in locating attractions for performances and who are not eligible for school or associate membership may join NACA as affiliate members.

Standard Affiliate members can participate in conferences, NACA® Live, and NACA® 24/7. Exhibiting is allowed but not required. Affiliate members are not eligible to showcase at any NACA activity. A firm that engages in selling goods or services to school members cannot be a Standard Affiliate member. Standard Affiliate members receive Campus Activities Programming® magazine and access to the NACA online directory.