Webinar: JCAPS Listening Session - Online Student Engagement

Share your thoughts around online student engagement with the JCAPS Advisory Board.

Student engagement in campus activities can help students develop skills and knowledge, and studies have shown that college student involvement is positively related to academic performance, cognitive development, well-being, leadership, and multicultural awareness. Student engagement in campus activities can help students develop skills and knowledge, and studies have shown that college student involvement is positively related to academic performance, cognitive development, well-being, leadership, and multicultural awareness. Engagement with a campus community can create an attachment to an institution and opportunities for lifelong connections. However, without intentional focus students in a fully online university experience may risk missing out on opportunities to form these relationships, opportunities for personal development, and a sense of belonging in a campus community. The Journal of Campus Activities Practice and Scholarship is considering how we might develop a Special Issue featuring content related to online engagement that would meet the needs of campus activities practitioners today. Join members of the JCAPS Advisory Board for this listening session where we want to hear your thoughts about what types of content would be most beneficial and how the potential special issue could meet your needs.